Thursday, August 20, 2009

Here I go again...

Okay, I slacked off enough already. I am not going to let this bad back get me down. I am better, but not healed so its been hard getting into the fitness thing when I can't exercise. I can't even walk without hurting, but I don't want to totally give up so I am back to counting points. I know that I can lose without exercise...not as much, but it can be done. I love WW and will love being on the next challenge at the Sisterhood. Doing something good for others while doing something good for myself.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I am not doing well this week. My back is still giving me problems and that makes me grumpy and when I am grumpy I eat and get even grumpier. Yes, friends, its one of THOSE weeks. Nuff said.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I hate to do this, but I have to change my choices for the 21 Day Callenge at the Sisterhood. My back is still not up to par and the couch-2-5k does a number on it so I will still do the stretching and the Vitamins and walk (instead of run) as much as I can without stressing the back. I will pick up the c-2-5k program after my back is completely healed.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Okay - I got alot of feedback about how trying to burn off an extra 500 calories a day is too much. I thought that my treadmill said that after 30 minutes I had burned off 230 calories so I figured that if I stayed on for an hour it would add up to around 500. Well, I was wrong - it's 130 calories for 30 minutes. So.....I will double that.

I checked out to see how many calories are burned with the Couch-to-5k Program and the first week averages around 330 calories!! Wow - that is amazing since the program is only 30 minutes from warm-up to cool-down. By the time you make it to week 9 you are burning 500+ in about 40 minutes.

So my new 21 day program is to start the Couch-to-5K program.

Thank you to the Sisterhood for putting this out there. I found a blog about this program and one person's journey through it. Check it out -

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The love/hate relationship with the scale is on the hate side today. I knew I had gained so my new start weight for the new Sisterhood challenge is 165.

The new challenge calls for us to form a new habit for 21 days. They listed 10 habits that are good things to do and some of them I already do - like the water and breakfast - but I know that if I take on too many I will burn myself out, so I am only doing three. I am most terrible at getting in my exercise and so I am going to try to get enough in to burn an extra 500 calories a day. This will include the stretching so I will list that one as well and I need to get into the habit of taking my vitamins.

Thats my list and I am sticking to it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Well, its been almost two weeks since the Sisterhood challenge ended and I ended up down and out with a pulled muscle and gaining five pounds in the process. The only thing I got up for was to go to the bathroom or to eat so, of course, I gained weight. Five pounds worth.......:(. The good news is - I am feeling better and back on track - Just in time for the new challenge at the Sisterhood. It starts tomorrow and I am so glad because it really keeps me accountable. I hope they do teams again.